Wordless Wednesday {linky}

Januari 22, 2013

I've been out of the hops the last 2 weeks, just been really busy and then the flu hit this family. But I'm back now!

I have 2 foster-kitties right now. They need some social time before they can be adopted.

Padme' and Sola

Do you remember this little girl? Joey! She finally got adopted, it makes me so happy!

This little guy was just an over-night foster while we transported him to another shelter who offered to take some kitties off the hands of the shelter here. He slept on my shoulder all night. It was just 24 hours, but I grew attached and it was hard to see him go.

We named him "Mark-E Mark" which is short for "Mark- Exclamation Mark" (because he looks like he has an "!" on his nose!)

And of course, my cats don't mind. But I usually get his view when we have fosters in the house.

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